
       大家好,今天我想和大家分析一下“profound”的优缺点。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整合,现在就让我们一起来分析吧。 are the profoundest in my heart of hearts,dear什么意思啊

2.People all believe that the new economic policy will have a profound _____ on the environment

3.profound implications什么意思中文翻


you are the profoundest in my heart of hearts,dear什么意思啊

       In my heart of hearts: 在我心底深处;在我心中;在我内心深处


       profound [pr?u'faund]


       1. 很深的;深深的2. (兴趣等)深厚的;深切的;深刻的3. 深奥的;渊博的;造诣深的4. 意味深长的;意义深远的5. (注意等)充分的;来自心底的;彻底的6. 完全的,十分的7. 谦恭的,低下的


       1. [诗歌用语](时间、空间等的)深邃;(灵魂等的)深处2. [古语]海,深海;海洋3. [古语]深奥的事物

       亲爱的,你是在我内心最深处 最为意义深远的/最有价值的/最珍贵的.

People all believe that the new economic policy will have a profound _____ on the environment





profound implications什么意思中文翻





       意味深长的, 意义深远的, 深奥的

       渊博的, 造诣深的

       深刻的; 深切的; 极度的

       谦恭的, 谦卑的

       a profound silence


       a profound theory


       profound knowledge


       profound sympathy


       profound regret


       a profound sleep


       make a profound curtsey [reverence]


       take a profound interest

       深感兴趣, 十分关切




       1.This remark has profound implications.


       2.This will have profound implications for the selection and development of leaders.



       profound 英[pr?fa?nd] 美[pr?fa?nd, pro-]

       adj. 深厚的; 意义深远的; 严重的; 知识渊博的;

       n. 〈诗〉深海,大洋; 深渊; (灵魂) 深处;

       [例句]The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger



       英[?mpl?ke?n] 美[?mpl?ke?n]

       n. 含义; 含蓄,含意,言外之意; 卷入,牵连,牵涉,纠缠; [逻辑学] 蕴涵,蕴含;


       1.The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute


       2.The implication of silence infers consent.; Silence implies consent.

