





5.moral和morality还有ethic 这三个作名词的时候有什么区别?

6.moral 是什么意思











       1、the principle of?moral?rightness


       2、We live in a?moral?cesspool of lies


       3、Some economists argue that this could create a much wider form of?moral?hazard.


       4、It gives to individual liberty over other?moral?or social considerations within self-regarding.


       5、His?moral?character and habits are praiseworthy.


       6、The ostracism of the 1990s failed to shift Mr Qaddafi from power, despite its?moral?clarity.



       7、And by?moral?evidence, Hume means inductive reasoning, reasoning from experience.


       8、Views on?Moral?Emoralducation of the Chinese National Traditional Virtues


       9、This is the final step in addressing the problem of?moral?hazard.


       10、Application of Group Dynamics on College?Moral?Education Teaching


       11、activity that transgresses?moral?or civil law.




       13、To violate accepted?moral?standards; sin.


       14、She is the very?moral?of her mother.


       15、America's?moral?example must always shine for all who yearn for freedom, justice, and dignity.


       16、Human's material productive activity and?moral?spirits contain each other.


       17、lack of?moral?standards in a society.


       18、Chapter Three is about the?moral?function of the Story of Doctor Dolittle.



       19、Moral?excellence comes about as a result of habit.


       20、Some one tried to poach our market manager; she grappled with her?moral?dilemma.















       Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.


       We differ about moral standards.


       As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.


       I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality.


       His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct.


       Have standards of morality improved?


       Because unfulfilled citizens can not perform the duties morality assigns them.


       People in the moral gutter cannot take the high ground.


       A virtuous person may be rendered vicious by encephalitis lethargy.


       He lives by a strict moral code.


       Faith undergirds moral principles.


       The moral offen-sive remarks in the book had to be expurgated before it could be printed.


       The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price fair.


       Animals do not have this morality.


       But it is not an argument on which to base moral leadership.


       This is about honor and morality.


       The moral is like this and you must live like this!


       And this confusion, I think, has everything to do with the fact that this is noordinary moral that we have in this work of literature


       How do you perceive the morality of career?


       These laws of nature are for him the true and only moral philosophy.


       I hate Jesus for his preachings, his morality, his ideas, and his faith.


       To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any culture.


       So moral reasoning is reasoning about the world.


       I believe the first question for new reproductive technologies should not bewhether it is "right" in some timeless, absolute moral sense, but why we mightwant to do it.


       On the source of moral systems and consciousness, he says, “we are nowherenear an answer”.


       There are some aspects of moral reasoning that show up everywhere on earth.

       基督教信仰中有关这样那样的道德教义很清楚地表明,如果你想去做正确的事情,结果是你预期为他人付出多少几乎是没有 *** 的。

       This and other moral teachings of the Christian faith make it clear that there isalmost no limit to what you are expected to do for others if you want to do what isright.


       I know some of you will have to make difficult choices just to save yourbusinesses, but when you do, remember to make them with the utmost ethics andintegrity.


       So, what do we know about moral reasoning?

moral和morality还有ethic 这三个作名词的时候有什么区别?

       moral:形容词 adj.


       He turns every subject into a moral discussion.


       2.道义上的; 道德上的

       Tom refused to join the army, believing that he had no moral right to kill.


       It is not moral to do so.








       9. 很可能的,确实的




       名词 n.

       1.教育意义, 寓意, 教益

       2.道德, 品行, 道德规范(尤指两性关系方面)

       3.(由寓言、故事、事件引出的) 道德上的教训,寓意





       形容词 adj.

       1.伦理的; 道德的

       It is necessary to get the youth to have a high ethical concept.



       I thought it was not ethical.




moral 是什么意思

       moral 英[?m?:r?l] 美[?m?r?l, ?mɑr-] 复数:morals



       2.道义上的; 道德上的







       9. 很可能的,确实的





       1.教育意义, 寓意, 教益

       2.道德, 品行, 道德规范(尤指两性关系方面)

       3.(由寓言、故事、事件引出的) 道德上的教训,寓意



       6.[复数]道德;品行;道德规范;是非原则;伦理学 形容词 adj.


       He turns every subject into a moral discussion.


       2.道义上的; 道德上的

       Tom refused to join the army, believing that he had no moral right to kill.


       It is not moral to do so.








       9. 很可能的,确实的




       名词 n.

       1.教育意义, 寓意, 教益

       2.道德, 品行, 道德规范(尤指两性关系方面)

       3.(由寓言、故事、事件引出的) 道德上的教训,寓意





        英[m?r?liti] 美[m?r?l?ti, m?-]





       3. 道德规范;道德体系 名词 n.


       Jacelin is a person of strict morality.



       3. 道德规范;道德体系

       ethic 英[?eθik] 美[?θ?k] 易混淆的单词: Ethic基本释义同反义词相关资料n.



       3.伦理学;道德学 名词 n.




       goodness, integrity, morality, purity, virtue


       goodness: 含义最广,侧重固有的仁爱,慷慨等高尚的美德。

       integrity: 指品格的纯正,有高度是非感的美德。

       morality: 强调符合道德标准的行为或用道德准则衡量某事,尤注重男女间的道德品行。

       purity: 侧重于道德上无缺点。

       virtue: 一般用词,指符合道德准则的隐恶扬善行为或品行或指一种有意识去做善事的高尚道德。

       morals, morality, ethics


       morals: 多用于实践方面,指按习惯或社会公认的道德标准,尤指男女之间关系的道德。

       morality: 指符合道德标准的行为

       ethics: 多用于伦理方面,指符合于伦理学中所指的好的行为,常指公平正真地对人对事的品德。


       Moral 一词来自于希腊语的 “ethos”,意为道德、品德、行为准则等。 Moral 通常涉及个体或群体的行为规范、价值观念和信仰体系等方面。其在我们日常生活中的体现包括但不限于:对待他人的态度、言行举止、集体信仰等等。Moral是一个广泛的概念,它可以被用于指导我们的个人和社会行为,以及我们与其他人的相处方式。

       Moral 的重要性在于它是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。Moral 是人类社会的基石,它为我们提供了一个共同的价值观,并推动着我们做出正确的决策。在我们的个人生活和职业生涯中,Moral 可以帮助我们在困难的情况下做出正确的决定,并让我们更好地理解他人的观点。同时,Moral 也可以为社会带来积极影响。一些公共政策、机构和法律往往都是基于 Moral 理念建立的,这样可以为整个社会提供更好的服务和更健康的发展环境。

       Moral 的应用通常涵盖以下几个方面:正确的行为、价值观、个人责任感和道德义务。正确的行为通常涉及我们与他人的交往方式、礼貌待人、诚实信任等方面。价值观则包括我们所遵循的原则和对待他人的方式。个人责任感涉及到个人在家庭、社区、公司等方面的责任义务,以及达成目标的能力和意识。同时,道德义务指的是我们作为人类的义务,要对社会负责,并为构建更加公正、真正有益于所有人的社会环境做出贡献。

       1. 这是个什么词?


        英英释义:a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave, which you learn from a story or from something that happens to you

        例句:The moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is that children should not lie.

        2. 为什么选这个词?

        “moral”可以是形容词可以是名词。它作名词时除了表示“道德”(一般用复数 morals,比如“公德”就是 public morals)外,还有一个好用、地道的意思--“寓意、教训”。当我们想表达“从某个故事、案例、经历中学到某某东西”时,就可以用 moral 替换 message 和 lesson。这个词尤其适用于写作中的举例论证,我们在描述完一个例子之后,将例子和观点作关联时就可以使用 moral。来看几个例子。


        The lesson of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is that children should not lie.


        The message of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is that children should not lie.

        我们可以把里面的 lesson 和 message 换成 moral:

        The moral of The Boy Who Cried Wolf is that children should not lie.


        The moral of Shenzhen's boom is that talent is essential for a city's continuous economic success.

        William Zinsser 在 On Writing Well 中教年轻作家写作,他经常会先讲一个故事,然后再说明里面的道理。比如这个句子:

        One moral of this story is that you should always collect more material than you will use.

        不难发现,moral 的用法非常简单。我们只要掌握 The moral of this story/case/experience is that... 这个句式就足够了。

        3. 怎样学会使用这个词?


        我们从这个 TED 演讲中可以学到的是,要想获得成功,得学会先帮助别人。

        The moral of the TED talk is that to be successful, you should learn to help others first.

        (参考翻译:The moral of the TED talk is that to succeed we should learn to help others first. 或 The moral of the TED talk is that to succeed we should learn to pay it forward.)


        The moral of the thing is that giving is happier than taking.
